Our TOSH brand has managed to become a carbon neutral brand, a process that involves reducing and offsetting the greenhouse gas emissions generated in all our activities. To achieve this important goal, TOSH has been implementing different strategies and actions that have allowed us to minimize our carbon footprint, thus contributing to sustainability and to the fight against climate change.

Inspired by a higher purpose of contributing to a Life in Harmony, the brand has carried out a rigorous inventory of all carbon emissions, from the production of raw materials to the distribution of final products. With this information, we have identified the areas with the highest emissions and have implemented sustainable practices to reduce the environmental impact. This includes the use of renewable energies, the optimization of production processes and the improvement of energy efficiency in the operations.

On the other hand, TOSH has invested in carbon offset projects to neutralize emissions that cannot be completely eliminated. These projects are focused on the conservation and reforestation of forests, as well as on clean energy initiatives that absorb or avoid the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere. TOSH has managed to offset 17,965 tons of CO2, through Bosque TOSH (TOSH Forest) and recognizes the beautiful work done by 100 families that protect 10,776 hectares of natural ecosystems in our country.

Finally, TOSH’s commitment to sustainability is not only reflected in its environmental practices, but also in the promotion of responsible consumption. Our brand encourages healthy lifestyle habits, and invites our consumers to join its mission to protect the planet, take care of themselves, others and the environment.

Our comprehensive approach to sustainability has positioned TOSH as reference in the industry, becoming the first mass consumption brand to obtain this certification. Learn more about Tosh Carbon Neutral at: https://tosh.com.co/ahora-somos-carbono-neutro/

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