We’re NOEL

We’re an innovative, current and sustainable company that leads the biscuit market in Colombia. We are part of the Biscuit Business of Grupo Nutresa, which has production plants in Colombia, Costa Rica and the United States, with a wide distribution network that allows us to take our products to over 50 countries.

We are a Colombian company with more than a century of history, a company where experience and heart come together to give flavor to the lives of millions of people around the world.

We work with passion to develop safe processes and deliver the best of us to maintain the leadership of our brands, in order to create special moments for our consumers and to offer them innovative, delicious and top quality products that satisfy their needs for nutrition, well-being and pleasure. As an ethical business, naturally we are committed to the care of the environment, the growth of our society and our country.

Multilatina Vision

Our strategy is aimed at doubling, by 2030, the sales achieved in 2020; we seek to obtain returns greater than the cost of invested capital.

To achieve the above, we offer our consumers foods and experiences of well-known and appreciated brands. Brands that nourish, promote well-being and pleasure. Brands recognized by the best price/value ratio; widely available in our strategic region; managed by talented, innovative, productive, committed and responsible people, within a framework of sustainable development.

Corporate Philosophy
Our philosophy is in line with that of Grupo Nutresa

Who we are
Who we are
Who we are
Who we are
Who we are
Who we are
Who we are


Our objectives are framed within the strategy of Grupo Nutresa. Our people's performance is consistent with our corporate philosophy.

Who we are


Who we are
Who we are

Our People

Our company is our people. A team that put their hearts into their work day after day, to give the best of themselves and contribute to the achievement of their dreams and those of our Company. People whose talent and energy mobilize our business.

Who we are

Noel’s Heart Values

Our strategy guides our daily work towards the achievement of common goals, and our values inspire us. We’re Passion, We’re Achievement and We’re Integrity. Our behavior are the true expression of NOEL Culture: our commitment to a happy coexistence.

We're enthusiastic and always give the best of ourselves

We're cheerful and share good energy with others

We're agile, easily adaptable, and anticipate change

We're effective and always seek to provide timely responses to the challenges of the environment

We're enterprising and generate value propositions by moving from expectation to initiative

We're innovative, proactive, implement ideas and take risks

We're visionary and have a global and disruptive mindset that invites us to break down borders and integrate the richness of geographies

We always seek to achieve results, anticipating the needs of our customers and consumers to meet our goals

We're honest and build trust with our stakeholders


We value diversity and recognize the value of each person who is part of our NOEL de Corazón family

We're transparent and impeccably fulfill our commitments and duties

We inspire others by example, always leading positively and promoting teamwork to build a more sustainable world


We know life has many flavors; The reason we do what we do is so that we, and our millions of consumers around the world can experience the taste of joy, the taste of NOEL. In our company we love what we do and what we are, because when you become part of this team your work equals friends, growth, progress and well-being. We have built a unique identity, because at NOEL our culture is lived with heart. NOEL is our people.

We are a happy and enterprising group of more than 3000 collaborators. Every day we put our heart and good attitude into life and in doing so have learned that together we can achieve our goals.

We know we are first and foremost human beings and so each dimension of our life counts, understanding this has been a huge part in guiding us to find the meaning of our existence with passion.