In connection with its brand purpose, TOSH is an environmentally responsible brand that is committed to developing sustainable actions for the good of our planet.

For this reason, it has ICONTEC Neutral Carbon certification, which recognises the environmental compensation generated by the brand in its production and distribution processes. Understanding first, what is the carbon footprint that emits, then take action and compensate for it, through different initiatives, to achieve balance and live in harmony with the environment.

With the challenge of continuing to care for the environment and all the life forms around us, TOSH supports and promotes the development of forest-preserving communities that help capture more than 17,000 tons of carbon per year. And what do you expect to begin to offset your environmental impact?

Learn more about the actions of TOSH in its miniseries Planeta Verde, a production in the company of Discovery that will teach you about small actions that generate great positive impacts on our earth. Click here to learn more at

Enter at and click Calculate your Footprint, so you know to learn about and compensate for actions that help conserve the environment.

Take care, not to punish yourself!

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